Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Blogging: The Committment

I have been blogging for a while now, and have a dream and vision of being a consistent, successful blogger.  When I started out, I thought it would be a post a day about my kids, my hobbies, interest, and the like.  I didn't realize how hard it would be to carve out time out of my day,  come up with applicable, interesting topics, and get followers! 

Am I the only one with this challenge?  I am open to thoughts, tips, advice! I would love to hear your comments.  I downloaded the book 31 Days to Building a Better Blog by Darren Rowse, but even the commitment of spending 31 consistent days working on my blog is daunting, so I haven't started reading it yet.

Keep in mind, I have two children under 4, a cat and puppy, am going to school full time, part of a book club, running a day care, and volunteering consistently.  It's not like I'm exuding free time, but time isn't the most pressing issue to me.  I think it is prioritizing, and just doing it, succeed or fail.

I would appreciate any thoughts!


  1. Michelle You are doing great..Just keep up the good work...

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  3. Blogging is quite a commitment, I agree. When I first started, I spent so much time promoting my blog, more time than I actually spent writing my blog. It is very hard to find balance, but if this really is something you love and you want to succeed, you can do it! Good luck!

    1. Thanks Melissa! I am trying to get a plan together to create balance, but so far it is all in my head...gotta get it on paper!
